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5 Secrets to Hacking Reverse Mentoring

reverse mentoring

When I think of reverse mentoring, I think of summers with my grandparents as a teenager.

In 2011 they had recently replaced their dial-up with this neat little thing called “whiff-ee,” as my granddad pronounced it. But, as my grandparents grew up in the 1930s and 40s, they didn’t really understand how to use it. Thankfully, they had teenage tech support living in their guestroom for five weeks to help them with all their tech problems and to teach them how to connect all their devices.

I think many people have similar thoughts about reverse mentoring as I do. We think of the kids helping their grandparents with their smartphones and internet connections, setting them up with the simplest possible systems, but it is much more. 

As a younger Millennial/older Generation Z (seriously, no one knows where to put the kids born between 1995 and 1999), my generation has now entered the workforce, and our approach to working is different than that of the generations before us. 

34% of Generation Z believe opportunities for advancement are more important than their salary. If a significant portion of  Generation Z is less money motivated, how do you convince them to stay with your organization long-term?

Here are a few other problems you may often think of: the War for Talent, the Great Resignation, and an increase in older workers choosing early retirement. The answer to these problems is reverse mentoring. Please allow Process Street to explain how it works:

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Employee Motivation 101: 5 HR Tips for Management

Anna Hase
September 23, 2022
employee motivation management

Employee motivation is a complex thing and something most HR professionals have struggled with at some point. 

If you’re wondering how to increase employee satisfaction, productivity, and, in turn, business outcomes, you’re not alone.

Psychologists have long debated this topic, and their findings provide a gateway to effective employee management.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the psychology behind employee motivation and dive into the solutions that will make your employees thrive.

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What Are the Qualities of a Good Employee?

Qualities of a good employee

As an HR manager, you know a company is only as strong as its employees.

Your employees are the backbone of your company. They are the ones who interact with customers, produce products, and provide services.

In many ways, they are the ambassadors of your brand, and their interactions with customers can either reinforce or undermine your brand identity. 

That’s why knowing what qualities to look for in new hires is essential.

By finding candidates who align with your company’s values and providing them with comprehensive training, employees will be able to represent your brand effectively. So, what should you look for? 

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Process Redesign: How We Rebuilt Our Most Vital Process in Under 20 Hours

process redesign

At Process Street, we’re proud to rock process management. So much so, we try to encourage a culture of continuous improvement across all of our internal teams & processes.

It’s even in our name. 

So how is it that our content team ended up using a process that was in pretty dire need of a redesign? 

And not just any process, mind you – the process of processes. The process we live and breathe by. The process that defines everything we do – including this very post. The one process to rule us all.

That’s right: Our blog production process was broken. 

We knew it, too. That was the worst part. The entire team was painfully aware of exactly how broken and inefficient the blog production process (BPP) had gotten. 

But you know how it is. Redesigning the blog production process became that thing that’s always on tomorrow’s to-do list.

By the time we finally found the capacity to tackle the process redesign project, there were more exceptions to the process than rules – which is not a good process management system at all. 

So the question became: How do we redesign a process that is constantly in use without breaking everything?

This is how we did it.

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Top 5 Employee Onboarding Best Practices

Mark Jones
September 16, 2022
employee onboarding best practices

Employee onboarding best practices are the anchor to stop you from going adrift.

Surely, you’ve had that sinking feeling? The one where you’ve invested in a super new hire, but it didn’t work out. When it comes to new hires leaving early, you’re not the only fish in the sea. Gen Z spends just over two years in one job. That doesn’t seem long, leaving you with the feeling that something’s off.

What’s more worrying is that 30% of employees leave a job in the first 90 days. Maybe the answer is to be more realistic with new hires. By that, do we mean to tell them Gary in HR has a habit of misplacing paperwork, usually passports? No, there’s a better way. 

The truth is that excellent onboarding leads to 69% of employees staying with you for up to three years. Want in on some of the action? We thought so. That’s why Process Street has written this article to point you in the right direction.

These are the 5 best practices for employee onboarding:

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Process Reengineering vs Continuous Improvement: What’s the Right Choice for You?

process reengineering

Companies need to undergo change all the time. But when do slight improvements need to be made and when is radical change a necessity? That’s where process reengineering and continuous improvement come into play. 

Each is vital to the success of a company but can’t be used to handle the same set of changes. Optimizing your business operations means knowing when to make continuous improvements and when to use process reengineering efforts. 

So, when’s the right time to use what?  

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6 Templates for Each Stage of the Employee Life Cycle for Long-Term Retention

A company is only as good as the employees it hires. We all know this, but let’s take it a step further.

The employee life cycle is the bloodline for any organization. You need to take proper care of your employees to reap success. To do this, you need to understand each stage of the employee life cycle and where your employee stands in it. 

When implemented correctly, effective employee life cycle management boosts long-term retention. Your employees are happy, so they remain longer and continue adding value to your business. 

That doesn’t mean this management is easy, though. That’s why, in this Process Street article, I’m taking you through each stage with a free template. 

Let’s dive right into it!

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The Ultimate Guide to the Halo and Horn Effect (and How HR Can Limit Its Influence)

halo and horn effect

You judge people all the time! 

But that’s okay, because we’re all guilty. This is specifically the case when we look at the workplace. Hiring managers make these snap judgments each day – and get paid for it. 

Our first impression of someone sticks. We’re then unconsciously looking for signs that confirm our first impression to be right – even when it’s not. 

Think of it this way: A candidate is late for their first day – the impression is that they’re always late. Now, whenever they arrive late, it confirms the impression that they’re always late. Even if they show up early or on-time most days. 

Please welcome unconscious and confirmation bias – the byproduct of the Halo and Horn Effect. 

This sociological theory doesn’t only exist on page. And it isn’t limited to our interpersonal interactions either. The workplace is a breeding ground for biased opinions and quick judgment calls, especially when hiring

To stop the Halo and Horn Effect from influencing your hiring decisions, you first need to understand how this bias creeps into how you perceive others.

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5 Continuous Improvement Tools for Process Success

ALT: 5 Continuous Improvement Tools for Process Success

Continuous improvement tools are essential.

They’re a means of increasing productivity while eliminating errors. And they’re closely associated with lean manufacturing, particularly in streamlining processes. Every process should be continuously improved, especially in a world where checking email alone costs us 1000 hours every year.

I once used a continuous improvement tool to transform my skill level in meditation. I was amazed at how quickly a process could be made leaner and more agile. If your organization has been wondering which continuous improvement tool to use, Process Street has written this guide with you in mind.

Here’s how to transform your process for success with continuous improvement tools:

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Process vs Project: What’s the Difference and Which is the Best?

“Project management is a cute way to get started, but serious businesses are committed to process excellence.”  

Vinay Patankar, CEO and Co-Founder of Process Street.

I know, that’s a pretty controversial way to start this post, but so is the debate between process vs. project. You’re either Team Process or Team Project. 

We’re Process Street and the creators of the Process Manifesto, so our support towards Team Process seems pretty self-evident. But it’s not that simple. 

At Process Street, we’re not exclusively using processes. We run projects too.

There’s a time and a place for both process and project management.

But, how do you know when it’s right to opt for process management over project management and vice-versa? 

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