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Why Companies Suffer from a Lack of Process Transparency (and How to Overcome It)

ALT: process transparency

Why Companies Suffer from a Lack of Process Transparency (and How to Overcome It)

86% of executives and employees believe a lack of collaboration is the main reason behind company failure. From this, it’s easy to see how an entire company feels more connected when everyone is working with the same vision and information. 

That’s what makes process transparency so crucial to organizational success. Studies show that organizations with more transparent processes help enhance collaboration, increase engagement, and improve productivity

Along with this, employees also believe workplace transparency to be a large contributing factor to job satisfaction

So, if your company lacks process visibility, you’re not providing transparency in the workplace and run the risk of losing valuable employees. 

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HR Digital Transformation: The Strategy to Shred Outdated Processes

ALT: HR Digital Transformation: The Strategy to Shred Outdated Processes

HR digital transformation reminded me of South Korea.

On a recent trip to Seoul, I automated my whole journey. My train tickets, flight tickets, insurance, and apartment key were on my phone. As a result, I felt more engaged on holiday. Which made me wonder, did I ever want to carry paper documents again?

Okay, carrying paper isn’t a difficult task. But as a process, it’s convoluted. Plus, it’s slow. I wasted less time due to automation. By adapting to change, I had a lot more fun.

Adapting to change – technological change – is at the heart of an HR digital transformation. However, it’s not an easy one to get right. It’s often expensive, with HR tech spending up by 57%. But try not to worry. This Process Street post will explain how to do it without breaking the bank:

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The Psychological Contract: Why Employers Need to Understand This Unwritten Code

ALT: The Psychological Contract: Why Employers Need to Understand This Unwritten Code

My psychological contract was beginning to wear thin. 

Rats surrounded me. Then two tons of glass nearly fell on top of me. My job description, at that time, did not include kindness, reciprocity, and understanding. But an unwritten agreement with my employer made me include those qualities in my work.

The agreement I’m describing is an intangible concept. Please don’t be embarrassed; I had to look that word up too. One thing you might want to look up is that 57% of employees quit their jobs due to feeling disrespected at work. That’s where understanding and respecting the psychological contract can help.

At Process Street, we know you can trawl Google like a fishing boat with a broken net. That’s why we write posts to make topics easily accessible. Here’s one about the psychological contract:

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Results-Only Work Environment vs. The Traditional 9-5 Workplace: Which One’s Right for Your Business?

ALT: Results-Only Work Environment vs. The Traditional 9-5 Workplace: Which One's Right for Your Business?

Business models used to be pretty simple. From customer-facing storefronts to buzzing offices to call centers, most operated with standard 9-5 business hours. Some of them still do. 

But now, there’s a new wave in business that’s motivating entrepreneurs to consider a results-oriented work environment instead. We have the pandemic and the great resignation to thank for that. 

The problem? 

Picking the right model isn’t always straightforward. Businesses have to analyze their standard operating procedures, long-term vision, client needs, chain of command, and more before making a decision.

If you’re on the fence about which business model to choose for your business, we have just the article you need to make a decision in line with your goals. 

In today’s article, we’ll cover:

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How We Use Saved Views in Process Street Reports to Track Work in Our Marketing Team

marketing team work tracking reports

According to ITSMA and Vision Edge Marketing, 74% of marketers don’t keep track of their efforts. This is problematic as it means marketing teams aren’t able to report on how their efforts impact the business as a whole.

At Process Street, we make sure our marketing operations are documented, tracked, and easy to understand, so we can stay on top of our marketing OKRs and ensure they align with top-level company goals. To do this, we utilize Process Street‘s saved view feature.

The saved view gives a summary of workflow data. You can customize these views and present the data to suit your needs. For our marketing team, this means work is tracked and can be easily correlated with internal OKRs. Saved views have helped our marketers gather data, detect patterns, and keep their work on track.

We’ll be covering:

Let’s get started!
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Neurodiversity Inclusion: A Quick Guide for HR

ALT: Neurodiversity Inclusion: A Quick Guide for HR

I have a brain goblin.

At least, that’s what I call it. Others might use neurodivergent, neurodiverse, neuroatypical – a lot of neuro-something, basically – or the more specific category they fall into (ADHD, autism, etc.). 

Everyone has their own relationship with language, though – personally, culturally, socially – and for me, “brain goblin” sums up my experience pretty well.

Around 20% of the world’s population is neurodiverse. A CDC estimate places about 5.5 million adults in the US. 

That’s the total population of LA and Dallas combined – and that’s just the number of adults.

“Neurodiverse” covers a lot of territory, but it’s safe to assume that – with 1 in 8 people considered to be neurodiverse – some of them are your employees, even if you aren’t aware of it. In fact, they may not even be aware of it: Less than 50% are aware they could be considered neurodiverse. 

The aim of this post is to give you some actionable steps you can take to improve neurodiversity inclusion in your organization. 

Come to think of it, a lot of your employees would probably appreciate them, not just the ones caring for brain goblins. 

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Rainbow-Washing: How to Support Queer Employees During All 12 Months

ALT: Rainbow-Washing: How to Support Queer Employees During All 12 Months

I’ll be honest: I dread all 30 days of June. 

This year, I found myself looking at the Process Street LinkedIn page, now sporting a rainbow logo, and contemplating how I felt about that.

Is it rainbow-washing? What else does Process Street do to support the queer community? Why can’t I answer that question?

I don’t think it’s rainbow-washing, but I should definitely be aware of what the company I work for is doing for the queer community.

I have complicated feelings about Pride. On one hand, I do believe in the immense importance it has. Pride creates a platform for big-picture political actions as well as the more personal experience of just not being in the minority for once. 

As more companies paint rainbows on their marketing materials from June 1 to June 30, it’s equally become more about commodification than community. 

I see you sweating as you glance at all your packed-up Pride material in the corner. You just wanted to show your support. What does rainbow-washing even mean? 

How do startups and small businesses show their allyship is genuine and not just part of a marketing campaign? 

There are no simple answers to any of this, but there’s only so much room in a blog post, so I’ll give you some actionable things you can do throughout the year to keep up your support long after Pride month is over.

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5 HR Tips That Veteran People Managers Live & Breathe

hr tips

HR tips come in all shapes and sizes. However, the best tips are from experienced people managers.

A tip, and an unwritten rule, for working in a Japanese office is that you usually work in silence. When I worked in a Japanese company, my record was working eleven hours without saying a word to anyone. I practiced that task day after day. After sitting in silence for twelve months, I know myself well.

Learning the unwritten rules of any workplace can take time. All experienced HR managers know that. As well as concrete documented processes, you tend to pick up abstract rules during your career. As I progressed in a Japanese office, I discovered other unwritten rules, but for the moment, I’m going to share five unwritten rules we’ve collected from experienced HR experts in this Process Street article.

Here are 5 HR tips you need to know:

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Startup Challenges and Rewards: How to Make the Most Out of Starting a Business

ALT: Startup Challenges and Rewards: How to Make the Most Out of Starting a Business

If you’re thinking of starting a new business, you’re not alone. Every year, millions of people worldwide take the plunge and become entrepreneurs.

In the United States alone, 356,000 new businesses were formed in Q3 of 2021.

But starting a business is no easy feat. From coming up with a brilliant idea to getting it off the ground, countless challenges need to be overcome. On average, about every fifth new business fails within the first year.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. The rewards of startup life can be great too. From making your own rules to seeing your idea take off, there are plenty of reasons to take the plunge.

In this article, I’ll explain the challenges and rewards of startup life and offer some tips on how to overcome the challenges. I’ll also demonstrate how you can enjoy the rewards by avoiding burnout.

So let’s get started.

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10 Employee Onboarding Email Templates for Busy HR Managers

employee onboarding email template

You must sometimes wonder if using employee onboarding email templates can be fruitful? Employees ignore 65% of emails; 96% of customers have unsubscribed from email lists.

The above statistics show that an email needs to be more effective than ever. With that said, email templates can be a gamble. You already know that if you’ve been searching Google. You’ve probably seen templates with more text than a phonebook and awful grammar.

However, email templates can save time, mainly when contacting new hires. At Process Street, we’ve created ten email templates to take HR managers through pre-boarding, onboarding, and right into a 90-day meeting. We’ve also edited the living daylights out of our templates. You’ll be getting friendly but succinct emails to make a great impression.

These are the email templates to use when onboarding new hires:

  1. Pre-boarding email template
  2. Employee onboarding process
  3. Welcome email to a new employee from HR
  4. Confirming the employee’s first day of work
  5. Employee onboarding requirements
  6. Virtual onboarding email template
  7. Onboarding announcement email
  8. Employee onboarding feedback email
  9. Employee onboarding survey email
  10. The 90-day email
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