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7 Creative Ways to Motivate Disengaged Employees

Employees are the lifeblood of any business or any brand the whole world over.

It doesn’t matter if it’s two part-time staff metalworking from a family garage or 1,000 employees in a multinational virtual law firm, employee performance is your business’ performance.

As a result, when employees are unengaged and working sub-par, so is your business. 

Under-engaged employees will affect the overall success of your business and poor morale quickly spreads. It’s therefore a good idea to nip it in the bud as soon as possible.

To help you learn how, I’ll be walking you through:

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Is Your Process Management System Killing Your Innovation?

There’s a dark underbelly to process management that no one wants to talk about, but it’s time to speak out: 

There are bad process management systems out there. Not just bad – these are some really nasty characters who will destroy your carefully built business from the inside out. 

We have to keep this between you and me, though, because I’m not supposed to be saying any of it. Process management is a dangerous world, folks. You don’t even know. It seems all efficient and useful, increasing productivity and reducing errors – great stuff all around – but when was the last time you checked in on your innovation?

Been a while, right? Now you’re starting to put it together. 

Come here, quick. I’ll run through what I know:

This never happened, okay? 

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5 Tips to Foster Employee Engagement in a Multigenerational Workforce 

5 Tips to Foster Employee Engagement in a Multigenerational Workforce 

86% of companies believe a multigenerational workforce is the key to success.

This success is due to a diverse workforce giving organizations more problem solving, varied perspectives, and diverse skills. This Process Street article will help you optimize and engage employees of all ages. At the end of the post, I’ll tell you about a secret famous butler I met in a multigenerational workforce.

Here’s how to understand and engage a multigenerational workforce:

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Employee Survey Management: Business Experts Share Their Favorite Questions

Employees are the most valuable assets among other stakeholders involved in a business. They ensure day-to-day operations and contribute to overall success.

Unfortunately, a 2019 survey revealed that almost half of the employees are dissatisfied with their work. Low salary, stressful workload, team conflict, and poor management usually trigger job dissatisfaction. It can lead to poor performance, decreased productivity, and even employee turnover.

It’s crucial to set up an employee development program in your company. The goal is to ensure job satisfaction, increased productivity, employee engagement, and high retention. 

But how do you gauge if you have happy and contented employees? That’s where surveys enter the picture.

In this Process Street article, we’ll share what employee survey management entails. Find out what the favorite survey questions of business experts are.

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Our Top 10 Picks for the Best Workflow Software Solutions

Business process management software (BPM) can increase company success by 70%. That’s if you’re using a tool that aligns with your business needs. 

With so many options on the market, it can be daunting to pick the right one. Doing a quick Google search will leave you paralyzed because of the endless options available. 

That’s why you’re here. We’re keeping to our promise of ‘the best,’ which is why we’ve rounded up some of the greatest workflow software solutions available to make your choice easier. 

In this Process Street article, we’re talking about all things workflow software solution-related to help you find the perfect match for your company: 

Let’s dive right in! 

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Is “HR Department” Outdated or is “People Operations” Just the Latest Trend?

“[Human resources is] like what a malevolent AI would come up with if they were trying to sound like they […] don’t simply consider them food to be consumed at the end of the machine. It has the least humanity of any name I could come up with.”

Jay Hanlon, People & Ops consultant

HR is dead.

For roughly two years I’ve been charged with writing expert content for our loyal “HR” readers. For roughly two years I’ve argued that “HR manager” is absolutely the wrong word. 

When this post came up on the roster, I begged our head of marketing to let me have it. Little did he know that he was about to play the part of Pandora

Make no mistake: HR, People Ops, what people think, and what those departments do are very dramatic debates with intense arguments from every side (and then some). Naturally, I intend to do a reverse somersault in pike position from 10 meters. 

(Apparently, that’s a difficult dive according to… diving people. )

While I’m certainly no diving expert, I am a bit of a maestro when it comes to rigorous research routines so you can bet I intend to make a splash:

(Don’t worry – that’s the extent of my diving puns.) 

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The Unintended Paradox of an Unlimited PTO Policy (+Free PTO Template)

The Unintended Paradox of an Unlimited PTO Policy (Plus Free PTO Template)

When I researched the unlimited PTO policy, I started thinking of a famous spy.

That’s because my eight-week paid time off was due to James Bond

I realized that while I sat in a Shanghai bakery. Ten years earlier, I’d bought a set of James Bond books in a bric-a-brac store. Before coming to China, I’d sold the books and made a considerable profit. 

I hadn’t intentionally taken an eight-week vacation, but I’ll explain that paradox at the end of the article. 

Whether eight weeks or one week, PTO (paid time off) is essential. It increases:

Recently, unlimited PTO has exploded in popularity. This Process Street post will guide you through the drawbacks and benefits of this ever-popular policy. You can also use our new template on the subject with your free Process Street account.

Here are four key topics to help you understand and use an unlimited PTO policy:

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10 Ways You Can Make Employee Onboarding Improvements

Businesses have been fighting to win the war for top talent since the Great Resignation. To do this, they’re revamping their recruiting strategies to grab the migrating workforce’s attention. 

All this repolishing to recruiting processes means nothing if companies can’t keep this top talent in their workforce. McKinsey found that the biggest problem a CEO faces is holding on to company talent after these employees have been hired. 

This isn’t the case. Poor onboarding can lead to your new hire walking out of your company as quickly as they entered – sometimes even faster. 17% of new hires leave before their first 90 days. 

Effective onboarding is needed to integrate new employees into the existing company culture, ultimately helping to retain them. 

Onboarding isn’t a new company practice. However, believing employee loyalty is guaranteed once they’ve signed their contract is only fake news. 

We’re talking all things onboarding improvements in this Process Street article to ensure you’re keeping the top talent you’re working so hard to attract to your company.  

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5 Continuous Improvement Steps for Process Optimization

Continuous improvement without data collection is like driving cross country without signs or a map. 

Data collection is vital to making improvements because without it there’s no real proof of any problem existing to begin with. 

Why are you making improvements? Is it really a problem, or are you just distorted by frustration in the moment? 

Yes, your frustration can give you clues as to what the root problem is, but relying on your feelings alone won’t give you accurate results in the long run.

That’s where data collection can help. Our Analytics feature can be used to paint an objective, unbiased picture of the current state of any given process and help highlight potential areas that could be improved upon. 

So, let’s start by walking through our 5 continuous improvement steps for process optimization:

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