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How to Write an Effective Policy & Procedure Template

How to Write an Effective Policy and Procedure Template

Let’s get straight to the point – you’re probably searching for a policy and procedure template you can use.

Moreover, if you want an actionable policy and procedure template, you can find two hand-crafted examples below. One is a blueprint you can use to build your own, and the other is a filled-out example of the first, using a fictional company called Brightstar Marketing.

In fact, both can be easily edited and updated by you inside Process Street.

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Why Onboarding New Employees is Vital for Retention (Employee Onboarding Podcast #5)

“Can prioritizing onboarding really help boost retention?” you may be asking yourself.

The short answer is yes, it really can.

For this episode of Process Street‘s Employee Onboarding Podcast, the team participated in an employee onboarding panel at the HR Transform conference in Las Vegas.

We had a great time hanging out with customers and discussing how important a role onboarding plays in retaining your talent long term.

The speakers were:

Some key points discussed during the panel included:

You can listen on Apple, Spotify, Google, Podchaser, Podcast Addict, Deezer, & all your favorite podcast platforms!

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Writing Standard Operating Procedures: The Ultimate Guide (+ 20 Free Templates)

Whether starting a business or trying to improve an existing one, you have to understand how things will get done. Writing standard operating procedures can seem complicated on the surface, but with some thought, the process can be easy.

Start by answering the following questions: What tasks do you need to do? Who needs to do them? What are the best ways to approach these tasks?

This will be your first step toward systemizing your business. Consequently, creating processes and workflows will define how your day-to-day activities function.

One popular approach is the creation of SOPs (standard operating procedures). But what exactly are SOPs?

Read through these sections to get clued up:

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Peer-to-Peer Recognition: 6 Best Practices to Try Now

People are at the heart of any company. After all, what is a business without its employees? This is why it is so essential to build a company culture that values and supports the people who work there. To achieve this, a strong peer-to-peer recognition strategy is essential.

HR teams across a range of industries are starting to see the importance of employee recognition. It is just one of many vital HR processes that work to support any great team.

Let this Process Street article be your one-stop shop for all things related to peer recognition! We’ll cover what exactly we mean by peer-to-peer recognition, how it can benefit your company, and six best practices to include in your recognition strategy. 

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10 Remote Onboarding Best Practices to Skyrocket Productivity and Retention

20% of your total staff turnover happens during the first 6 weeks of employment. If you’re not onboarding well, you’re increasing costs. 

Onboarding is an intense process with a new hire needing to complete around 54 tasks. Remote onboarding comes with a unique set of challenges when compared with its in-office counterpart. 

New remote hires need the right tools, resources, and technology to integrate into a company’s culture. They also need to build a rapport with their managers and colleagues. If your HR management can’t help them achieve this, you risk losing top talent and racking up expenses to do so – upwards of $30,000 to $45,000 for each replacement. 

Creating a refined onboarding process can prevent this from happening and rather boost employee productivity and retention. In this Process Street post, we’re giving you 10 remote onboarding best practices to help you get started. 

Get ready to onboard!

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Why You Need to Prioritize Your Unengaged Employees & How To Do It

Actively engaged employees. Disengaged. Unengaged. Actively Disengaged. Non-Engaged. 

The term “engagement” gets a lot of traction these days. 

You see posts everywhere with topics like “What is Employee Engagement and Why Is It Important? A Complete Guide” or “Employee Engagement: How to Get a Happy, Productive Team.” 

My favorite is “Employee Engagement & Motivation Policy: Why You Need One For Retention – Yesterday.”

The thing is, though, what do these terms actually mean – and how are they different from each other? 

How do you tell if an employee is really engaged or just a high-performer? What about an employee who has low output versus one who’s actively disengaged?

And what’s this “unengaged” thing about? 

Process Street has answers. This post will walk you through how to identify engagement, figure out the cause, and get your employees excited about their work again. 

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Employee Spotlight: Leti Escanciano, Senior Frontend Engineer

What do a neuroscientist, a DJ, a college professor, and a bartender have in common? 

They all work at Process Street

Part of that is due to being a remote company (wider talent pool). Part is the type of person typically drawn to startup work (liminal weirdos). And part is a company culture that understands tacit knowledge is just as valuable – sometimes more valuable – than explicit training. 

This particular cocktail adds up to a company made up of people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives collaborating towards a shared objective. 

The outcome – to use the technical term – is very cool.

This is the genesis of our Employee Spotlight series. Not only are our people highly talented in their company roles, but they bring with them a wealth of stories that make for some very entertaining small talk at the beginning of our monthly all-hands meetings.

In honor of International Women in Engineering Day, putting one of our engineers in the spotlight was a no-brainer. 

Allow me to introduce our Senior Frontend Engineer, wife, futsal star, dog-parent, and all-around exceptional human being: Leti Escanciano

Leti & Samba
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How Organizational Commitment Can Help Retention (+ Free Template)

Employees leave their jobs to avoid burnout, make extra money, and secure career advancement. Those grounds sit on the foundations of the War for Talent and the Great Resignation.

Due to this construct, almost 64% of companies say employee retention is more problematic than recruiting. With the odds against you, how can employee churn be prevented?

Well, for starters, you can explore organizational commitment.

The theory of organizational commitment persuades employees to stay for the long term. It helps to avoid churn by making employees feel more valued. This informative post from Process Street will show you how that works.

The five organizational commitment topics you’ll learn about are:

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The HR Manager’s Complete Guide to Virtual Onboarding

Employees are 18 times more likely to feel committed to a company when they have a good onboarding experience. Yet, 93% of employers refuse to admit that onboarding experience affects employee retention at all.

What does that mean? 

Employers can’t accept that their onboarding plays a massive role in retaining top talent. In not accepting this, they aren’t investing enough in the onboarding process to see real benefits

Don’t want to fall into that staggering 93%? I’ve got you covered. 

In today’s Process Street article, I’m taking you through everything an HR manager needs to know to offer the best virtual onboarding experience: 

Let’s get crack-a-lackin’! 

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The 30-60-90 Day Plan: An Ultimate Guide to Improve New Employee Experience (+ Free Template)

You need a 30-60-90 day plan more than ever.

Hiring the right person can be insanely difficult. Not to mention that the hiring process itself can last up to 23.8 days. That means you’ve invested over three weeks before your new hire starts.

Whenever a new hire joins your company, do you wonder how long they’ll last? Well, 20% of new hires quit within their first 45 days. Moreover, they could be on another company’s poaching list. In a talent shortage, that’s all you need. Especially with all the recruitment emails you’ve been sending out. 

With many areas in human resources that can go wrong, how can you go right? And how are other employers getting it right? Specifically, companies such as:

The best way to ape the success of these companies is by nurturing talent. That all starts with great onboarding and a retention strategy from day one. That’s where the 30-60-90 day plan can help you.

This Process Street post will guide you through using and understanding a 30-60-90 day plan. You can even use the template immediately with your free Process Street account!

Here’s your guide to using a 30-60-90 day plan to improve new employee experience:

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